Scanpoint is a photo digitization company having mission to ‘preserve memories’ with the help of latest technologies for a long time being. We digitize and restore all old photos, color & B&W negatives, slides, APS Films, documents.

Testimonial - 1

“I’ve taken number of B/W photographs 40-50 years back. All these are on tribal life, art & culture of Odisha. Meanwhile the B/W photographic processing has closed. I was in a worry ,how to print these 120 & 620 negatives which is essential for my research and publication work.

Insidently, I came to know that a young artist & graphic designer Mr. Rabindranath Das of Chatrapur has brought a negative scanner and doing the documentation work ,in his company called Scanpoint. I approached Mr. Das .He had scanned my photo negatives nicely. In addition to this he prepared my illustrated bio-data in computer graphic method.

Mr. Rabindranath Das is a talented graphic artist; so I wish him success in his profession and his life."

Durga Ch. Panda
Artist & Art-Historian
(Retd. from Odisha State Museum & Archaeology Dept. Bhubaneswar)